Types of pain and benefits of seeing pain management doctors

Types of pain and benefits of seeing pain management doctors

Amanda Jarvis

Pain is usually a symptom of bodily dysfunction, so temporary fixes for aches may not be beneficial in the long run. The type, reason, and severity of pain can vary, so it is best to get it examined by a healthcare professional than self-treating the symptom. Here, it is important to recognize the signs and types of pain that require a visit to a pain management doctor to seek timely treatment.

What are pain management doctors?
Some painful conditions are complex and require the expertise of a specialist. Pain management doctors undergo training, usually a minimum of 12 months of specialization, beyond their initial medical education to get certified as pain treatment practitioners. These doctors can diagnose and treat different kinds of pain, pain-related conditions, and any physical discomfort. They are qualified to determine the root cause of the pain, alleviate it and improve their patient’s well-being. To achieve this goal, pain management doctors may use various treatment methods and suggest lifestyle changes. They may also have a team working for them, comprising physicians, therapists, occupational therapists, and other experts who focus on specific ailments.

Types of pain
Whether pain stems from an injury, a medical condition, or an unknown source, persistent pain can have a significant impact on daily life. Here are the types of pain specialists can treat:

Chronic pain: A common type here is chronic pain that usually persists for several months to years. This pain can be mild or severe and may affect daily life. Those experiencing such discomfort may require multiple consultations with chronic pain management doctors, leading to heavy healthcare expenses.

Acute pain: This is a sharp ache that may develop quickly over a short duration. It usually develops when the body faces blunt trauma and can also be a result of cuts, infections, burns, muscle strains, or sprains. Usually, the pain subsides in a few days but can turn into chronic pain if left untreated.

Functional pain: This type of pain is not usually associated with any visible physical injury or damage to the body. It can often bring discomfort and is mainly associated with organ dysfunction like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and cardiac chest pain, as well as psychological distress.

Nociceptive pain: Nociceptive pain stems from tissue damage. When one has fractures, joint damage due to sudden impact, or burns, it can lead to a sharp or throbbing sensation. People with arthritis may also have to deal with this type of pain.

Neuropathic pain: Neuropathic pain is caused by health conditions like cancer, diabetic neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, or stroke, or it can be post-surgery neuropathic pain. This type of pain occurs due to nerve damage and can be severe.

Spinal pain: Any injury that causes pain in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spinal cord, which carries the body’s load, may make it difficult to move, twist, or bend. Pain management and spine specialists can help one to diagnose the cause of such pain.

Apart from these types, one may experience bone pain, nerve pain, or soft tissue pain. One is advised to seek professional help upon noticing any pain or discomfort. Healthcare professionals, especially pain management specialists, possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in diagnosing and treating complex conditions. They are also equipped to offer advanced interventions to manage ailments causing pain.

Benefits of consulting a pain management doctor
Thorough evaluation: A doctor is equipped to assess a health condition by taking into account medical history, lifestyle, and specific symptoms and determining the root cause. This enables them to come up with an individualized treatment plan.

Multidisciplinary approach: Pain management doctors use a holistic approach that combines various treatments to alleviate the pain. This comprehensive approach increases the chances of finding an effective pain management strategy.

Improved functionality: The primary goal of a pain management doctor is to reduce or eliminate pain and improve the ability to function. By utilizing advanced techniques and interventions, these specialists aim to provide long-term pain relief, allowing patients to regain functionality, restore movement, improve strength, and increase their independence.

Emotional support: Living with chronic pain can take a toll on mental and emotional well-being. Professional pain relief therapy can also equip one with coping mechanisms, relaxation techniques, and strategies to manage the emotional challenges that come with such pain.

Cost and types of treatment
Prescription treatments can vary in cost depending on the specific therapy as well as insurance coverage. Physical therapy, involving exercises, stretches, and manual techniques, is another common treatment option. The frequency and duration of sessions can vary from person to person. Another effective treatment option is surgical intervention, which is usually more expensive due to the complexity and resources required. Additionally, behavioral therapy, including counseling or cognitive-behavioral techniques, focuses on psychological aspects of pain, while alternative therapies like acupuncture or chiropractic care may deliver quicker results. The cost of all pain management treatments can vary significantly depending on factors like the type and duration of treatment, the provider, location, and insurance coverage.

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