How to develop a game – A holistic guide

How to develop a game – A holistic guide

Dani Medrano

Developing a game is a challenging process. It needs immense research, attention, ideas, imagination, and knowledge. With the increasing demand for mobile gaming, many people worldwide take advantage of the gaming market by creating or selling games. But now the thing is, how will you create your own game? Whether you are a beginner or professional, here is a holistic guide that will help you develop games independently.

Whether you create your own game using a game studio or a unity, the following guide will help you create one smoothly.

Begin with basics
First of all, the developer should pick the genre of the game, i.e., puzzles, shooting, adventures, arcade games, among others. Then there is a need to choose the platform as it will indicate the way to control or play the game. However, as smartphones are touch-sensitive, the game features should be such that they can be tilted and easy to tap. Computer games must be easy to operate with a keyboard or mouse. After deciding on the device, there should be a blueprint to create your own game. This can include features, preliminary design, and many others. Hence, continue revising the blueprint until you are satisfied with it.

Start programing
Now it is time to decide on the tool that you will use. Some well-known independent programs are Godot engine, and game maker unity, among others. However, various programs have multiple weaknesses and strengths— some suit 3D graphics and others 2D graphics. After selecting the tool, try to understand the best way to use it to create your own game. There would also be a need to build a prototype. This won’t need any graphics but simple placeholders such as stick or hexagon figures.

Refine the controls
This is the most important and basic function of the game. The perfect controls will make players want to play the game frequently and enhance their skills. This will help the player interact with the game graphics and controls. The user will know how to play it. You can use the prototype to ensure that the controls are suitable for the game. Keep in mind that poor controls will frustrate the player if the controls are not to the mark.

Creating assets
Now is the time to design the game and determine what you need to do. Some games have simple shapes, and some have complex worlds and intense sounds. When you create your own game, you will need to have a draft of your artwork. You will have to imagine the visuals of it. When you are ready with the art and structure of the game, you can begin to construct it. In addition to this, there could be puzzles, difficult levels, and obstacles, among others. This will make the game interesting to play.

Development of art and audio assets
Depending on the style of the art, you can c reate your own game assets. This will enhance the visuals and make it attractive for the player. Use Photoshop, Adobe, and Blender programs to give the game a style and needed visuals. Don’t forget the audio, as it plays a vital role in creating a more immersive experience for the player. The sounds, music, effects, or dialogues will make the player connect with the game.

Putting it all together
Last but not least, put all the graphics, prototypes, visuals, and sounds together. After you create your own game, play it several times to ensure that it is fun and cohesive. If there are some not-so-good controls or features, refine them. And polish your game until you make it the best it can be.

Test the game
Now, this is the most interesting part of the whole guide. Here, you need to play the game many times and detect its bugs. Share it with your near and dear ones to know if there are any issues. The more players that play the game, the more likely you will be able to detect issues. Also, watching other people play your game will make you aware of how they interact with it.

Once your game is ready, share it with a gaming company or website. It becomes necessary to update the game and make changes as required. When a large population plays a game, the detection of bugs and issues becomes inevitable, and these need to be fixed regularly for your game to be a success.

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