8 tips to reduce wrinkles

8 tips to reduce wrinkles

Amanda Jarvis

Wrinkles are the lines and creases that can be seen on a person’s skin. They are a normal part of the aging process. They appear as folds, ridges, or creases and can mostly be found on the neck, arms, and face. However, they can form on any part of the body. These creases usually appear as the person ages, but if they occur early in life, it could be a result of sun damage.

The appearance of wrinkles on the skin
As the body begins to age, one may notice fine lines forming on the body. This can start as early as the age of 25, and the most common age group to look for wrinkle treatment is 40 to 55. Furthermore, these wrinkles become more prominent after the age of 65.

Tips for wrinkle reduction
Genetics plays a significant role in how the skin may age over time. However, a person can still control how the skin ages. Listed below are some effective tips that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and keep the skin youthful and healthy.

Protect it from the sun
One of the most well-known facts is that prolonged sun exposure can damage the skin. This can often lead to premature aging signs such as wrinkles. Furthermore, studies suggest that regular use of sunscreens possesses the ability to slow the signs of aging. So, one must protect their skin from harmful UV rays of the sun by applying a cream with a sun protection factor (SPF) within the range of 30-50 every day. This must be done even if it is overcast, as UV rays can penetrate clouds. Moreover, for extra protection, one can wear a cap, sunglasses, and light-colored clothes to reflect the sun’s rays.

Get enough sleep
When one does not get enough sleep, the body produces excess amounts of cortisol – a hormone that breaks down skin cells. Hence, dermatologists suggest their patients get a good amount of rest and let the body produce more HGH ( human growth hormone). This remedy ensures the skin remains elastic, thick, and less susceptible to wrinkles.

Keep the skin moisturized
Moisturizers aid in the hydration and nourishment of the skin. Hence, it becomes imperative that one applies moisturizer creams as one gets older. This remedy keeps the skin from getting dry and causes wrinkles. Furthermore, research suggests using a moisturizer cream with Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, as they effectively prevent the formation of wrinkles on the skin.

Eat more fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain an abundant amount of antioxidant compounds. These compounds fight against the damage caused by free radicals – unstable molecules that can damage skin cells. This ensures the skin looks radiant and younger. Further, it also protects the skin against the effects of photoaging. Some fruits and vegetables that can be eaten are avocados, carrots, pumpkins, and broccoli.

Sleep on the back
A 2016 study suggests a link between one’s sleeping position and the formation of wrinkles. The study analyzed that people who usually sleep on their side or stomach are more susceptible to mechanical compression forces. This can speed up the formation of wrinkles and even distort facial skin. One can counter this by sleeping on their back and using silk pillowcases instead of cotton. This may reduce friction and prevent abrasion of the skin.

Relax the face
Actions/ facial movements such as squinting, pursing of the lips, scowling, and frowning may speed up the formation of wrinkles. So if one finds themselves squinting regularly, they must get their eyes checked for eyeglasses. Further, frequent scowling can be countered by stress management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, yoga, and regular exercise.

Drink more water
Drinking water is vital for good health, as the body needs water for every function. In addition to vital functions such as flushing toxins, aiding digestion, and regulating body temperature, water ensures the skin remains hydrated and healthy. A 2015 study also concluded that an increased amount of water can ensure skin hydration and may also positively affect skin physiology.

Limit sugar intake
Excess sugar in the body often sets off a process known as glycation and advanced glycation end products ( AGE) that can negatively affect the skin. AGE breaks down the collagen in the body, and over time it may result in early aging of the skin. Moreover, AGE has also been linked to various food preparation methods like grilling and frying. Hence one must make sure to limit sugar intake and oil-rich foods to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

As a part of the natural aging process, wrinkles are inevitable, but the steps mentioned above can reduce their formation over time. Further, one must also consult a dermatologist if one wants to start a treatment for wrinkles. A dermatologist will guide the person with a suitable treatment plan for their skin.

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