5 things to remember while purchasing general liability insurance

5 things to remember while purchasing general liability insurance

Every business owner has to find a definite way of risk management, and purchasing insurance is one of the easiest ways to do so. With adequate insurance protection, your business can move ahead even if you face a temporary setback. Finding the right insurance is a critical part of any business plan as it can protect the business in grave situations, like when you’re fighting a pending lawsuit. A general liability insurance plan is among the best choices for a small business.

Here are a few tips to help you shop for the right general liability insurance plan.

Determine whether your business needs general liability insurance
There are multiple ways your business can benefit from general liability insurance, but it is more effective when your sales team or you represent the business. Besides, it will come in handy if you work around client-owned equipment or if you and your clients meet at each other’s business premises. Additionally, you will need it if there is a legal compulsion to get general liability insurance before entering into a contract.

Prepare a clear, concise, but comprehensive overview of your business operations
After deciding to get the insurance, you will have to work on the documentation. When you reach out to an insurance company for a general liability insurance quote, they will require a couple of your business details. This includes your experience in the industry, how long the business has been operating, and the kind of products or services it will be offering.
Based on this information, the insurance company gets a better idea about the level of risk they will be exposed to when they provide you with a general liability insurance plan for your business. So, you should be prepared with all this information when you reach a provider, as it can streamline and simplify the underwriting process and the turnaround time for the company to get back to you with the coverage quotation.
Regardless of your business operations, it is advisable to prepare a comprehensive layout of your company and its operations to ensure that the underwriters and insurance agents can assist you in getting the right coverage for the requisite liability protections.

Determine your budget for the insurance
As a business, you are expected to decide on an optimum sum insured, which is the maximum value that the insurance company can pay for a particular year. It is never recommended to under-insure your business only to reduce the premium amount. Your geographic location, business turnover, jurisdiction, and several other risks will determine the budget for your insurance. It is always recommended to speak to a professional to assess the potential risk involved and then shop for an insurance plan that comes with adequate coverage and a reasonable premium.

Consider both intellectual and physical risks
Not all liability claims result from physical damage, and the good thing about general liability insurance is that it shields you against intellectual risks too. These include risks like reputational harm, copyright infringement, and advertising injury. You need to understand your susceptibility to these risks before you decide on the coverage required.

Review your insurance on a yearly basis
Your business will grow over time, and so will your susceptibility to risks. So, sit down with your general liability insurance agent and review your coverage annually to ensure that it is enough for your business.

You should consider purchasing general liability insurance if your store, office, or building is open to the public, clients, or vendors; if you create or advertise marketing material for the business; or if you use social media either for personal or professional purposes.